Dielectric Behavior of Aqueous Solutions of α,β-Poly(aspartyl hydrazide) and α,β-Poly(N-hydroxyethyl aspartamide): An Investigation of the Structural and Dynamic Properties

The dielectric properties of aqueous solutions of α,β-poly(aspartyl hydrazide) (PAHy) and of α,β-poly(N-hydroxyethyl aspartamide) (PHEA) were measured at 25 ° C in the frequency range of 100 MHz to 15 GHz using a time domain reflection method (TDR). Single time relaxation processes were found at 2 GHz and 15 GHz, respectively. The low frequency dispersion was inter preted in terms of the dynamics of polymeric segments based on the dielectric relaxation strength and the relaxation time. The high frequency process which is attributed to the rotational relaxation of water, indicated that water mole cules surrounding the polymeric backbone and in the pure state have a similar rotational behavior.