Intra-Accumbal Injection of CART (Cocaine-Amphetamine Regulated Transcript) Peptide Reduces Cocaine-Induced Locomotor Activity

Evidence suggests that CART (cocaine-amphetamine regulated transcript) peptides are mediators or modulators of the actions of psychostimulant drugs. In this study, the effects of intra-accumbal injections of rat long form (rl) CART 55-102 were examined. Injection of the peptide alone had no effect, but pretreatment with the peptide blunted or reduced the locomotor-inducing effects of cocaine after an i.p. injection. This effect was dose related and time limited, as expected. rlCART 1-27, a CART peptide fragment not active in other studies, was without effect on cocaine-induced locomotor activity. Because the actions of cocaine involve dopamine, the effect of rlCART 55-102 on dopamine-induced locomotor activity was examined. Intraaccumbal injection of dopamine produced a dose-related and time-limited increase in locomotor activity, as expected. Coinjection of rlCART 55-102 with dopamine blunted the effect. In summary, these data suggest that CART peptides in the nucleus accumbens would tend to oppose the actions of cocaine.