Two-dimensional flow cytometric analysis of intrahepatic lymphocyte subsets from patients with chronic hepatitis

Peripheral and intrahepatic lymphocyte subsets were analyzed in 22 patients with chronic hepatitis by two-dimensional flow cytometry. Activated T cells in the liver significantly increased compared with those in the peripheral blood. Helper T cells increased, but the CD4+ cells decreased due to a marked decrease of supppressor inducer T cells. CD8+ cells increased due to a increase of both cytotoxic T and suppressor T cells. Fc-receptor-positive cells, which increased significantly, were not NK cells but Fc-receptor-bearing T cells. In comparison with immunohistochemical methods, flow cytometric analysis enables more objective quantitation and simpler two-color staining of intrahepatic lymphocytes. Our findings using this method suggest hepatocellular injury may be generated not only by cytotoxic T cells but also by Fc-receptor-bearing T cells.