Radiative lifetime of the 2s2p35S2metastable state ofN+

The natural radiative lifetime of the 2s2p3 (5 S2) metastable state of N+ has been measured by counting for equal time intervals the 214-nm photons emitted when the metastable ions decay to the 2s22p2 (3 P2,1) levels of N+. Although forbidden to decay by the LS selection rule ΔS=0, the 5 S2 state decays primarily as a consequence of spin-orbit mixing with other levels of the 2s2p3 configuration. The metastable N+ ions are produced inside a cylindrical electrostatic ion trap by electron bombardment of a parent N2 vapor maintained at pressures ranging from 5 to 25×108 Torr. The ion trap consists of a 5.0-cm-diam, 7.5-cm-long outer cylinder with end caps and a concentric 0.003-cm-diam central wire maintained at a negative potential of about 140 V. Some of the photons emitted by the decaying 5 S2 ions are focused onto a 12-nm-bandwidth interference filter in front of a photomultiplier tube and counted. The mean lifetime is obtained from the slope of a straight-line least-squares fit to the appropriate region of a logarithmic plot of the decay counts. Our result, extrapolated to zero N2 pressure, for the natural radiative lifetime of the N+ (5 S2) metastable state is 5.4±0.3 msec.