Anterior Cerebral Artery Territory Infarction in the Lausanne Stroke Registry

• We studied 27 patients with acute stroke and a corresponding infarct in the anterior cerebral artery territory, as disclosed using computed tomography. Patients were selected from 1490 patients (1.8%) admitted consecutively to a community-based primary care center who underwent standard investigations. An embolic phenomenon from the internal carotid artery or from the heart explained the infarct in 17 patients (63%). Anterior cerebral artery occlusion without a potential source of embolism was found only in one Vietnamese patient. Neurologic features correlated well with the topography and size of infarct, including hemiparesis, hemihypesthesia, mutism at onset, transcortical motor aphasia, conflictual tasks impairment, mood disturbances, and, more uncommonly, incontinence, grasp reflex, hemineglect, acute confusional state, and unilateral left apraxia. These findings suggest that the etiologic spectrum of anterior cerebral artery infarcts is the same as that of middle cerebral artery infarcts.