Optimization of x‐ray imaging geometry (with specific application to flat‐panel cone‐beam computed tomography)

A theoretical method is presented that allows identification of optimal x‐ray imaging geometry, considering the effects of x‐ray source distribution, imaging task, x‐ray scatter, and imager detective quantum efficiency (DQE). Each of these factors is incorporated into the ICRU‐recommended figure of merit for image quality, the detectability index, which is maximized to determine the optimal system configuration. Cascaded systems analysis of flat‐panel imagers (FPIs) is extended to incorporate the effects of x‐ray scatter directly in the DQE, showing that x‐ray scatter degrades DQE as an additive noise source. Optimal magnification is computed for FPI configurations appropriate to (but not limited to) cone‐beam computed tomography (CBCT). The sensitivity of the results is examined as a function of focal spot size, imaging task (e.g., ideal observer detection or discrimination tasks), x‐ray scatter fraction, detector resolution, and additive noise. Nominal conditions for FPI‐CBCT result in optimal magnification of ∼1.4–1.6, depending primarily on the magnitude of the x‐ray scatter fraction. The methodology is sufficiently general that examination of optimal geometry for other FPI applications (e.g., chest radiography, fluoroscopy, and mammography) is possible. The degree to which increased exposure can be used to compensate for x‐ray scatter degradation is quantified.