Results of Nephrectomy in Hypertension Associated with Unilateral Renal Disease

Nephrectomy has been carried out in 34 patients with hypertension associated with unilateral parenchymal renal disease (28 with unilateral pyelonephritis, 3 tuberculosis, 2 hypoplasia, and 1 adenocarcinoma). In 13 of the patients the blood pressure was corrected, in four it was improved, and in 17 it was unaffected. The intravenous pyelogram (by the infusion technique with nephrotomography if necessary) and renogram give adequate information in most patients with unilateral parenchymal renal disease but may need to be supplemented by aortography, or retrograde pyelography, or divided renal function studies in a few special circumstances. When the function of the damaged kidney is less than 25% of the total (which is well maintained), and the contralateral kidney is intact, nephrectomy is recommended provided the hypertension is significant; success is more likely in younger patients with a short history of hypertension.