Beta‐globin gene cluster haplotype distribution in five Brazilian Indian tribes

Haplotypes derived from five polymorphic restriction sites in the beta‐globin gene cluster were investigated in 139 individuals from five different Brazilian Indian tribes by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Eight haplotypes were identified. Haplotypes 2 (+−−−−) and 6 (−++−+) were the most frequent and were common to all tribes. Their prevalences ranged from 60% to 93% and from 3% to 18%, respectively. Average heterozy‐gosity measured by the Gini‐Simpson index is markedly reduced among these Brazilian Indians when compared with Europeans (56%), but much less (8%) in relation to Asiatics, suggesting the absence of an important bottleneck effect in the early colonization of South America. The coefficient of gene differentiation (GST′) was estimated as 0.082 among six Brazilian Indian tribes, but when only three Tupi‐Mondé‐speaking tribes were considered, this estimate was reduced to 0.030.