The blood vessels, the aqueous vessels, and their interconnections in the anterior segment of 70 Ethiopian green monkey eyes were delineated with colored, room-temperature, vulcanizing liquid silicone compound. The material was injected via the anterior chamber, Schlemm's canal, the aqueous veins, and the anterior and posterior ciliary arteries. Examination of the filled vessels was done under magnification after the globes were fixed and cleared. Schlemm's canal was found to be drained by large and fine intrascleral vessels which emptied into the episcleral veins. No arterial communications with the canal were seen. Except in one eye, the aqueous collector channels and the episcleral veins had no connections with the uveal vasculature. Many arteriovenous connecting vessels were demonstrated in the episclera in an area about 2 to 6 mm from the limbus.