Advection-Dominated Accretion and the Spectral States of Black Hole X-Ray Binaries: Application to Nova Muscae 1991

We present a self-consistent model of accretion flows which unifies four distinct spectral states observed in black hole X-ray binaries: quiescent, low, intermediate and high states. In the quiescent, low and intermediate states, the flow consists of an inner hot advection-dominated part extending from the black hole horizon to a transition radius and an outer thin disk. In the high state the thin disk is present at all radii. The model is essentially parameter-free and treats consistently the dynamics of the accretion flow, the thermal balance of the ions and electrons, and the radiation processes in the accreting gas. With increasing mass accretion rate, the model goes through a sequence of stages for which the computed spectra resemble very well observations of the four spectral states; in particular, the low-to-high state transition observed in black hole binaries is naturally explained as resulting from a decrease in the transition radius. We also make a tentative proposal for the very high state, but this aspect of the model is less secure. We test the model against observations of the soft X-ray transient Nova Muscae during its 1991 outburst. The model reproduces the observed lightcurves and spectra surprisingly well, and makes a number of predictions which can be tested with future observations.

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