The Development in vitro and in vivo of Fusion of the Palatal Processes of Rat Embryos

The congenital anomaly of cleft palate can now be reproduced by a variety of teratogenetic agents in a number of laboratory animals (Kalter & Warkany, 1959). Through the use of the induced cleft palate numerous studies have been directed toward detecting the developmental mishaps which create this defect. The work of Fraser et al. (1957) suggested that various positional factors of the developing palatal and facial structures may be the underlying cause for failure of palatal closure in mouse embryos. Walker & Fraser (1956) observed elastic fibers among the palatal processes of mouse embryos which they suggested might impart a ‘shelf force’ necessary for proper closure and fusion. However, Walker (1961) has since reported that there is a mucopolysaccharide in the ground substance of the palatal mesenchyme rather than an elastic fiber network. Asling et al. (1960) noted a growth spurt of the developing mandible during the critical time of palatal process closure.