Immunoglobulin Isoantigens (Allotypes) in the Mouse

Summary: Rabbits were immunized with either normal mouse immunoglobulins or isolated mouse myeloma proteins from BALB/c or (BALB/c × NZB)F1 plasma cell tumors. The antisera were tested for antibodies directed to allotypic antigenic specificities by the method of inhibition of precipitation of I125 labeled antigens. Three γG2a and one γG2b allotypic specificities were detected with one or another of these rabbit antisera. These specificities each corresponded in mouse strain distribution with one of the allotypic specificities previously defined through the use of mouse isoantisera. The possible nature of the allotypic sites versus the class specific antigen sites was briefly discussed and the potential usefulness of these heterologous antisera in allotypic systems noted.

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