Evaluation of cellular proliferation on collagenous membranes

Collagenous membranes are used in guided tissue regeneration designed to repair damage done to the periodontium by disease. The cells primarily responsible for the process are desmodontal fibroblasts. We have studied the behavior and proliferation of fibroblasts grown on collagenous membrane. Fibroblasts grown on plastic served as control. Cellular proliferation was evaluated using a colorimetric test for cytotoxicity and by flow cytometry. Scanning electron microscopy was used to observe cellular morphology. Results showed a reduction in cell number, together with a modification in cell cycle, but good preservation of cellular morphology for cultures grown on collagenous membrane. These results support the in vivo use of collagenous membrane in guided tissue regeneration. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res, 36, 331–336, 1997.