The proton transfer reactions, (1) B10(N14,O15)Be9, (2) B10(N14,C13)C11, and (3) B11(N14,C13)C12, leaving the reaction products in their ground states were investigated at a mean energy of the incident nitrogen ions of 27.5 Mev. To distinguish these reactions from other events, the two product particles were detected in coincidence by silicon surface-barrier counters. In addition, a proportional counter imposed the requirement that the observed particle have the correct charge. Angular distributions (1) and (2) peak at r02.2 fermis when plotted as dσdRmin vs r0, where Rmin is the distance of closest approach for a Rutherford orbit and r0=Rmin(A113+A213). The total ground-state cross sections were determined to be (1) 1.34±0.30 mb, (2) 2.19±0.49 mb, and (3) less than 0.3 mb. The data are compared with the predictions of the tunneling theory, and good agreement is found for the initial rise of the angular distribution.