Propagation of nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in generalised multicomponent plasmas bounded by cylindrical and spherical geometries is investigated. At the critical density of negative ions where the nonlinearity of the Korteweg-deVries (K-dV) equation vanishes, the ion-acoustic solitary wave is described by a modified K-dV (mK-dV) equation. It is also emphasised that near the critical density neither the K-dV nor mK-dV equation is sufficient to describe fully the ion-acoustic waves and thus there is a need to derive a further mK-dV (fmK-dV) equation in the vicinity of this critical density. Furthermore, the amplitude variations of the K-dV and mK-dV solitons depending on the limitations of geometrical effects are also discussed, emphasising that the results could be of interest for diagnosing the soliton properties of laboratory plasmas.

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