Tissue Distribution of Stilbestrol Diphosphate: Concentration in Prostatic Tissue

Based on the thesis that water-soluble diphosphorylated ester of diethylstilbestrol exerts cytotoxic effects and may preferentially localize in the prostate, the concentrations of this compound in prostate, fat, and muscle of patients were determined. Extracts were assayed in immature female mice. It was found that after intravenous infusion of stilbestrol diphosphate, the estrogen content was higher in prostatic than in nonprostatic tissue. At 3-8 hours, the period of maximal difference, prostate contained 100 times as much recoverable estrogens as did equal weights of fat or muscle. By 12 hr., when the prostatic concentrations had started to decline, the concentrations in both types of tissue were essentially equal and by 24 hr. neither contained assayable estrogens.