To study the effect of subtotal hysterectomy on a woman's sexual life 104 women were interviewed 1 month before and 1 year after subtotal hysterectomy. The interview was semi-structured with the addition of unstructured, open questions. Data concerning sexuality before and after the operation were evaluated with statistical methods, and the result was compared to the answers to the open questions. The most important factor for postoperative sexuality was preoperative sexual activity and enjoyment. Most women described the meaning of sexuality in terms of partner relationship. Those who reported improved sexuality in most cases described the improvement in terms of improved personal sexual capacity, whereas most cases of deterioration described the deterioration in terms of absent, poor, or malfunctioning partner relationship. A model for sexuality after hysterectomy is introduced. Sexual functioning before the operation is the most important factor. Partner sexual functioning, socioemotional support from the partner, adaptation to the consequences of the hysterectomy, mental status, physical ability and hormonal status are other factors influencing sexuality after hysterectomy.