The Wisdom Project: virtual education in primary care

This article examines the development of the Wisdom Project, a pilot for the teaching of informatics to primary health care professionals, using an original educational model based on e‐mail and Web pages. The article begins by placing the development of the Wisdom Project in the context of changes in medical education and training. The aims and objectives of Wisdom are outlined, and the methodologies for setting up and evaluating the project are described. The article then presents the results of the evaluation, including the identification of significant improvements in knowledge of CD ROMs (P = 0.01), e‐mail (P = 0.03), Medline (P = 0.02), operating systems (P = 0.02), Web browsers (P = 0.003) and word processing (P = 0.03). Improvements in evidence‐based practice (EBP) did not reach significance. Finally, a number of conclusions are presented, considering the lessons learnt for the future development of such projects.