Hypertension is the commonest avoidable medical indication for postponing anaesthesia and surgery. There are no universally accepted guidelines stating the arterial pressure values at which anaesthesia should be postponed. The aim of this study was to determine the extent of variation across the South-West region of the UK in the anaesthetic management of patients presenting with stage 2 or stage 3 hypertension. Each anaesthetist in the region was sent a questionnaire with five imaginary case histories of patients with stage 2 or stage 3 hypertension. They were asked if they would be prepared to provide anaesthesia for each patient. The response rate was 58%. We found great variability between anaesthetists as to which patients would be cancelled. Departmental protocols may aid general practitioners and surgeons in the preparation of patients for surgery, but such protocols may be difficult to agree in the light of such a wide variation in practice.