Subtypes of Students with Learning Disabilities as Derived from Cognitive, Academic, Behavioral, and Self-Concept Measures

Fifty-seven children with learning disabilities were subjected to cluster analysis in an attempt to identify subgroups within the larger heterogeneous LD population. Variables used for the analysis included language- and visually based cognitive ability, reading achievement, behavior, and self-concept. Based on this analysis, the following five clusters emerged (a) a group of language deficit children, (b) a group of visual deficit children, (c) a group with no notable deficits, (d) a group with very poor reading achievement paired with very high self-concept, and (e) a group of behaviorally disordered children. Two internal validation procedures demonstrated some degree of cluster stability. Also, two external validation procedures suggested that identified clusters were distinct on external criteria. Implications of this subgroup-formation procedure for instructional grouping are presented.