HIV risk among Latino adolescents in two New England cities.

OBJECTIVES. Latino adolescents in two urban New England areas were surveyed to assess risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission. METHODS. Probability of HIV infection during the previous 6 months was estimated from self-reported sexual contacts, condom usage rates, and number of partners. Teens were also asked to show condoms in their possession to the interviewer to validate self-reports of condom use. RESULTS. Overall, 8% of the 586 respondents were classified as high risk for HIV infection (estimated infection probability greater than .0001), 34% were at moderate risk, and the remaining 58% were classified as not at risk (no sexual activity or needle sharing). Teens who said they had purchased condoms or claimed to have used them recently were more likely than others to have condoms in their possession at the time of the interview. CONCLUSIONS. These estimates suggest that a small percentage of Latino adolescents may be at substantial risk for HIV infection over periods as short as 6 months, that self-reports of recent condom use are strongly related to condom possession, and that questionnaire items regarding condom use at last intercourse are poor surrogates for HIV risk.