Volunteers as Providers of Heart Health Programs in Churches: A Report on Implementation

This project studies the use of church volunteers to reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors among their fellow church members. Our findings focus on the first 12 months of the project and address the following questions: 1) Can volunteers implement these programs with no on-site professional staff? 2) Are volunteer efforts facilitated by a local volunteer task force? and 3) Are implementation efforts aided by readily available professional staff involvement? In the intervention churches, 220 certified Risk Factor Leaders conducted 82 group programs with 740 registrants and 104 blood pressure screenings with 1,834 contacts. Our study shows volunteers to be effective implementers of heart health programs in churches. The involvement of a task force seemed to facilitate volunteer recruitment. Churches with a lower level of professional involvement had more blood pressure screenings. The effect of a task force or professional assistance on other volunteer efforts did not reach statistical significance.