Oral carriage of yeasts, coliforms and staphylococci in patients with advanced malignant disease

Many patients with advanced cancer have oral problems, some of which may have a microbiologic basis. The oral flora in such patients has not, however, been characterized. This study has assessed the prevalence of yeasts, coliforms and coagulase positive staphylococci in the oral flora of 197 patients with advanced cancer. Both imprint cultures (n = 197) and oral rinses (n = 161) were collected. Yeasts were isolated from the mouths of 83% of the patients, coliforms from 49.1% and coagulase-positive staphylococci from 28%. All these percentages are considerably in excess of reported levels for healthy individuals. The results indicate a loss of colonization resistance of the oral mucosa in terminal cancer, with potential implications for the development of mouth care regimes for such patients.