Demonstration of airway closure in man

After partial equilibration of the lung with a N2O gas mixture absorption of N2O by the pulmonary circulation results in a flow of gas into the lungs during breath holding. A bolus of 133Xe introduced at the mouth at the beginning of the breath hold is carried in by the gas flow and distributed according to regional perfusion. In three subjects, breath holding at FRC, apex-to-base distribution of a 133Xe bolud delivered by N2O absorption (Xecar) was similar to that of a bolus injected intravenously (Xeiv). Near RV however, much less of Xecar penetrated into dependent zones than expected from the distribution of Xeiv. In fact, distribution of Xecar did not differ from that of a slowly inhaled bolus. Correction for Compton scatter in the chest wall, measured in one subject, accounted only in part for the radioactivity recorded over dependent lung regions. The findings indicate that near RV some but not all of the dependent airways must be closed. Furthermore, the distribution of airway closure completely accounts for the distribution of a bolus inhaled from RV.