Virtual and bremsstrahlung corrections tobdl+lin the standard model

We present the calculation of the virtual and bremsstrahlung corrections of O(αs) to the matrix elements dl+l|Oi|b. This is the missing piece in the full next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) results for various observables associated with the process BXdl+l, such as the branching ratio, the CP-rate asymmetry, and the forward-backward asymmetry. This paper is an extension of analogous calculations done by some of us for the process BXsl+l. As the contributions of the diagrams induced by the four-quark operators O1u and O2u with a u quark running in the quark loop are strongly Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa suppressed, they were omitted in the analysis of BXsl+l. This is no longer possible for BXdl+l, as the corresponding contributions are not suppressed. The main new work therefore consists of calculating the O(αs) corrections to dl+l|O1,2u|b. In this paper we restrict ourselves to the range 0.05<~s/mb2<~0.25 (s is the invariant mass of the lepton pair), which lies above the ρ and ω resonances and below the J/ψ resonance. We present the analytic results for the mentioned observables related to the process BXdl+l as expansions in the small parameters ŝ=s/mb2, z=mc2/mb2, and s/(4mc2). In the phenomenological analysis at the end of the paper we discuss the impact of the NNLL corrections on the observables mentioned above.