The Interpretation Of Glancing Incidence Scattering Measurements

The practical testing and specification of x-ray and UV mirrors requires a scattering theory to link topographic finish errors and functional performance. This paper examines various smooth-surface theories that have been proposed for this purpose, with particular attention to their behavior near the critical angle where the surface reflectivity is a rapid function of angle. Of the various diffraction theories considered, Rayleigh-Rice vector perturbation theory is the most realistic; and predicts scattering distributions that are characteristically different fram those of the canonical model. In sane cases these differences or anomalies are similar to those observed by Yoneda and by Matsushita et al., which have previously been interpreted using geametrical-optics models. But there are differences. For example, the Rayleigh-Rice theory predicts anomalous scattering near the critical angle above the glancing angle of incidence ("anti-Yoneda effect"). Results are illustrated by calculations for strawman scattering experiments.

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