Quantitative PCR can often be improved by conducting the amplification with nested primers. First, fewer nonspecific amplification products, which could otherwise interfere with quantitation, are produced. Often, nonspecific products can be eliminated. In these cases, relatively simple nonspecific detection techniques are suitable for quantitation. In addition, nested primer PCR provides intrinsic PCR product carryover protection and generally improves the robustness and lower limit of detection of PCR. For a nested PCR to provide useful quantitative information, it is important that the initial phase of amplification, performed with the outer pair of primers, takes place entirely in the exponential phase. This is generally achieved easily. The major consideration in designing a nested PCR protocol compatible with quantitation is to assure that the maximum concentration of PCR products produced by the outer primers does not exceed approximately 10% the molarity of the outer primers. A simple formula can be used to determine the maximum number of thermal cycles that provide this assurance. Good correspondence was obtained between initial target concentration and final PCR product yield in a nested-primer HIV-1 PCR.