Changes in tissue folates accompanying nitrous oxide-induced inactivation of vitamin B12 in the rat

The anesthetic gas, nitrous oxide, oxidizes cob(I)alamin and thus inactivates methionine synthetase which requires cobalamin as a coenzyme. The effect on folates in liver, kidney, marrow, plasma, and brain in rats breathing a 1/l nitrous oxide/oxygen mixture is described. There is loss of folate from tissues, most marked in liver, that affects folate polyglutamates to a greater extent than folate monoglutamates. Both methyl- and nonmethyl-analogues are affected. There is a transient rise in the levels of 5-methyltetrahydropteroylpolyglutamate in all tissues 8 h after starting nitrous oxide, which falls thereafter. In marrow and brain there is also a transient rise in methyltetrahydropteroylmonoglutamate. Plasma folate increased markedly throughout the period of exposure to nitrous oxide. It is suggested that these changes are due to the action of nitrous oxide in depressing tissue uptake of folate from plasma, in promoting loss of folate into urine and in inhibiting folate polyglutamate synthesis.