Intranuclear inclusions have been examined in mammotrophs of the Mongolian gerbil. No inclusions were identified in nuclei of newborm females, although inclusions were seen in the pituitary gland of young mature females. The number of inclusions in retired breeders was similar to that in young females. Estradiol benzoate increased the number of inclusions, although 10 μg/day for 5 or 14 days induced more inclusions than 5 or 100 μg for 14 days; significantly fewer inclusions were seen with the higher dose (2.81 ± 0.10 inclusions per field for 10 μg and 2.19 ± 0.01 inclusions for 100 μg). Significantly fewer inclusions were present at 3 and 4 weeks. The reduced number of inclusions may be attributable at least in part to cellular hypertrophy of mammotrophs which was especially prominent. Vacuolar inclusions predominated at 3 and 4 weeks and there were fewer membranous types than at previous times.

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