Studies on the Susceptibility of Three Species of Mosquitoes to Japanese Encephalitis Virus

Susceptibility of Culex tritaeniorhynchus summorosus, Culex pipiens pollens, Culex pipiens fatigans and Culex pseudovishnui to Japanese encephalitis virus was examined. Mosquitoes were infected by natural feeding on viremic chickens or by feeding on a virus-rabbit blood mixture through an artificial membrane. Cx. t. summorosus was the most susceptible to the virus; Cx. p. pallens and Cx. p. fatigans were similar in susceptibility and were less susceptible than Cx. t. summorosus. The susceptibility of Cx. pseudovishnui almost approximated that of the tested pipiens-group mosquitoes. Experimental infection of Cx. pseudovishnui with JE virus is reported for the first time.