Nonlinear dynamics of tearing modes in the reversed field pinch

The results of investigations of nonlinear tearing‐mode dynamics in reversed field pinch plasmas are described. The linear instabilities have poloidal mode number m=1 and toroidal mode numbers 10≲n≲20, and the resonant surfaces are therefore in the plasma core. The nonlinear dynamics result in dual cascade processes. The first process is a rapid m=1 spectral broadening toward high n, with a simultaneous spreading of magnetic turbulence radially outward toward the field‐reversal surface. Global m=0 perturbations, which are driven to large amplitudes by the m=1 instabilities, in turn trigger the m=1 spectral broadening by back coupling to the higher n. The second process is a cascade toward large m and is mediated by m=2 modes. The m=2 perturbations have the structure of localized, driven current sheets and nonlinearly stabilize the m=1 modes by transferring m=1 energy to small‐scale dissipation. The calculated spectrum has many of the qualitative features observed in experiments.