Up to seven early poxvirus-specific proteins have been isolated from vaccinia-WR-infected and cowpox-virus-infected chick embryo fibroblasts by affinity chromatography on native DNA-cellulose columns. The proteins have been characterized by one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by nonequilibrium pH-gradient electrophoresis. The molecular weights of the viral proteins were determined by comparison with proteins of known molecular weight and are comparable to several of the vaccinia-WR-specific DNA-binding proteins isolated previously from infected L-929 cells by Solosky J. M., Esteban M. and Holowczak J.A. [J. Virol. 25, 263-273 (1978)]. The viral proteins binding reversibly to native DNA have been classified as immediate early viral gene products. Synthesis of cowpox-virus-induced early DNA-binding proteins is inhibited in chick cells pretreated with homologous interferon at a concentration of 500--1000 units/ml.