Comparative bacteriology of juvenile periodontitis

Statistical comparisons of the floras associated with juvenile periodonititis, severe periodontitis and moderate periodontitis indicated that differences in the bacterial compositions of affected sites in these populations were not statistically signigicant. The subgingival flora of affected juvenile periodontitis sites was statistically significantly different from the adjacent supragingival flora and from the subgingival floras of people with healthy gingiva and of children with developing (experimental) gingivitis. The subgingival flora of affected juvenile periodontitis sites was not significantly different from the flora of sites with gingival index scores or 1 or 2 in adults with developing (experimental) gingivitis. Of 357 bacterial taxa among over 18,000 isolates, 54-non-treponemal species, 2 treponemal species, and mycoplasma were most associated with diseased periodontal sulci. These species comprised an increasing proportion of the flora during developing gingivitis and constituted > 1/2 of the cultivable flora of diseased sites.