Acceptance of Hepatitis B Vaccination Among Adult Patients With Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinic patients are at risk for hepatitis B virus infection, but have been relatively neglected in terms of hepatitis B virus (HBV) immunization. Acceptance of HBV vaccine among patients attending an STD clinic was examined. To evaluate potential predictors of HBV vaccine acceptance. In this study, 99 patients attending an STD clinic completed a brief questionnaire that addressed knowledge of STD and vaccines as well as sexual behavior. After the questionnaire, each patient was offered HBV vaccine, then interviewed to assess reasons for acceptance or refusal. Among the patients in this study, 23% accepted the vaccine and 11% reported prior vaccination. Acceptors were younger, had less education, and used condoms less frequently than those who refused vaccination. The reasons given for acceptance or rejection typically involved health beliefs related to infection or vaccination. The findings indicate an unacceptably low rate of HBV vaccine acceptance in a group at high risk for infection. However, some of the reasons for refusal may be modifiable through brief, targeted interventions.