Synopsis of the genusPeltigera(lichenized Ascomycetes) in British Columbia, with a key to the North American species

Based on extensive field studies, herbarium research and thin layer chromatography, the taxonomy, distribution and ecology of 28 species of Peltigera occurring in British Columbia are discussed. Distribution maps are presented for selected species, and a key to the North American taxa is provided. Peltigera cinnamomea Goward is described as new, and the blue-green phototype of Peltigera leucophlebia (Nyl.) Gyelnik is documented for the first time. Peltigera scabrosella Holt.-Hartw. is reported as new for North America based on a collection from the Yukon Territory. Peltigera hymenina is new for British Columbia. Key words: lichens, Ascomycotina, Peltigera, Peltigeraceae, British Columbia, distribution.