A study was made of the local effects on yield and botanical composition of the herbage of cattle dung and urine applied to permanent pasture as simulated defaecations and urinations.A single application of urine had a negligible effect upon botanical composition. In the 2‐ft.‐diameter circle around dung patches there was an increase in cocksfoot, creeping bent, red fescue and white clover, and a decrease in herbs.Urine patches were neglected by grazing stock for short periods only. Herbage around dung patches was neglected for a period varying from 13–18 months. The effect of this neglect was to restrict the spread of white clover around dung patches in comparison with similar plots kept short by cutting.Yield response to urine in the area of deposition lasted for two cuts following application, response to dung for four cuts. An increase in crude‐protein content of the herbage was recorded only in samples taken one month after application of dung or urine, and not later.Increases in crude‐protein yield following spring applications of dung or urine were greater than those following autumn applications. The inferiority of autumn applications may be attributed to winter leaching of nitrogen.

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