Nachsorge beim kolorektalen Adenom

From 1980 to 1985, 319 adenomatous colorectal polyps were removed in 297 patients. All patients were entered into a computerized follow-up programme with yearly follow-up. The recommended follow-up was rejected by 58 patients (22.1%). 93 new adenomatous polyps were found in the course of the follow-up in 53 patients (35.8%), five of them histologically invasive carcinomas. The proportion of carcinomas was lowered from 10.6% at first examination to 5.4% in the follow-up period. Size of polyp correlated significantly with carcinomatous change. Size of the adenomas removed at follow-up was markedly smaller than that removed at first examination (69.4% smaller than 1 cm compared with 44.2% at follow-up). In six patients with early invasive carcinoma, further resections were undertaken, while in six others only the polyps were removed. But local recurrences occurred in both groups. Regular follow-up after polypectomy of colorectal adenoma is thus essential.