The Fate of “Small Twins”: A Four-year Follow-up Study of Low Birthweight and Prematurely Born Twins

This follow-up study of twins includes 35 families from the Stockholm area. One section concerns the physical and mental development of the twins. The other sections compare the development of the children with their parents' expectations of them and the parents' feelings about the delivery. Seven twin pairs (20%) in the total group were born before 37 complete gestational weeks. Thirty-seven of the twins weighed less than 2,500g at birth; of these, 23 (9 boys and 14 girls) weighed less than 2,500g, although they were born after 37 gestational weeks. At four years of age, 22 of the 68 twins still showed some impairment of locomotor, language/speech and emotional development, as assessed by the Griffiths Mental Development Scales. All the prematurely born and small-for-date infants were in this group. There also seems to be a relationship between developmental problems and the mother's negative or ambivalent expectations concerning the twin pregnancy.

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