Urine collected from albino rats fed 4-6 mg. 2-acetamidofluorene daily in a skim milk bread diet was extracted with ether, the combined extracts were dried over Na2SO4, further concentrated, allowed to crystallize in the cold, and the crude product was purified by several recrystallizations: m. p. 232[degree] (uncor.). Recoveries corresponded to 5-8% of the administered carcinogen. Elemental analysis, C15H13O2N, indicated 2-acetamido-7-hy-droxyfluorene. Absorption spectra showed that wavelengths of maximum absorption and molecular extinction were identical, indicating that biologic hydroxylation of 2-acetamidofluorene takes place in the same position in which sul-fonation occurs in vitro. With nitrite the compound gives a pronounced purple color soluble in amyl alcohol, and the reaction is sensitive to 20 [gamma]. Judged by this test, excretion ceases 2-3 days after withdrawal of the drug from the diet.

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