An experiment was conducted to study the growth of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) sown at different densities; the control swards were not defoliated while others were subjected to a single defoliation at various dates. During the final month the rate of dry matter production (tops only) increased to a maximum when the leaf area index (the ratio of the area of the leaves to the area of the ground surface — L.A.I.) was about 4-5, falling by about 30 per cent. as the L.A.I. increased to 8.7. The rate of leaf production was greatest at about L.A.I. 4-5, falling to zero at L.A.I. 8.7. Climatic conditions during the growing season influenced the relationship of L.A.I. to growth; as conditions became more favorable the values of the optimum LA.1. for growth and of the ceiling L.,4.1. progressively rose. Irrespective of the density, all swards tended towards a common ceiling L.A.I. and yield by the end of the season. The effect of defoliation depended on the L.A.I. at which defoliation occurred, on the value to which the L.A.I. was reduced, and on current climatic conditions. If swards near the ceiling L.A.I. were defoliated, total dry matter production was slightly increased and there was a great increase in leaf production. On the other hand, defoliation of swards from about the optimum L.A.I. to very low L.A.I. values led to a substantial reduction in both dry matter and leaf production. It is suggested that all these effects depend on the light relationships within the sward and their influence on the balance of photosynthesis and respiration. Pasture at the optimum L.A.I. will give greater production than swards of lower or higher L.A.I.; defoliation can give greatly increased leaf production, unless L.A.I. is reduced to very low values.