Seedling Development and Bud Ontogeny in Western Ironweed

Western ironweed (Vernonia baldwini Torr.) seedlings emerge from an exalbuminous achene. By 6 days after germination, a cortical collar was discernible between the hypocotyl and root. A pair of lateral buds arose exogenously from the outer two to three layers of this zone through dedifferentiation of cortical parenchyma. Sprouting of lateral buds could be stimulated in a few seedlings by 15 days after germination if they were clipped between the cotyledons and the hypocotyl-root transition zone. One of the seedling buds could be activated by top removal up to 40 days after germination when both could be stimulated to sprout. Ability to form new stems vegetatively was reflected in rate of anatomical maturity of the seedling buds.