Criteria for the Differentiation of Success and Failure in Alcoholism Treatment Outcome

A 29-item follow-up inventory of a multidimensional nature was administered to 37 successfully (mean age 44.62 yr.) and 46 unsuccessfully (mean age 44.76 yr.) treated state hospital alcoholics. In general, the responses of the success group were significantly more favorable than the responses of the failure group in the areas of: drinking and sobriety, financial and employment status, social involvement, driving while intoxicated, attitude toward treatment, self-reliance supplemented with help and support from others, and future outlook. The 23 inventory items which discriminated significantly ( p ⩽ .02) were scored for each subject. The success group had a mean score of 17.16 and the failure group had a mean score of 6.37. A cut-off point of 13 points correctly identified 97.3% of the successful group and 95.7% of the failing group.