Developmental and Pharmacological Regulation of Apolipoprotein C-II Gene Expression

—Increased plasma triglyceride concentrations are often observed in metabolic disorders predisposing to coronary heart disease. Among the major determinants of plasma triglyceride metabolism are the apolipoproteins (apos) of the C class, C-I, C-II, and C-III. Whereas physiological concentrations of apo C-II are required for lipolysis of triglycerides by lipoprotein lipase (LPL), overexpression of all 3 C apolipoproteins leads to hypertriglyceridemia. In the present study, we investigated apo C-II gene regulation under conditions associated with profound changes in plasma triglyceride metabolism, ie, during postnatal development and after treatment with the triglyceride-lowering fibrate drugs, and compared its expression to that of apo C-I and apo C-III. Whereas the expression of both apo C-I and apo C-III is low in fetal liver, increases gradually after birth, and attains maximal levels after weaning, apo C-II gene expression is already detectable in the fetal liver, increases rapidly immediately ...