Projections of the tectospinal tract to the upper cervical spinal cord of the cat: A study with the anterograde tracer PHA‐L

The goal of the present experiments was to re-examine the spinal projections of neurons in the superior colliculus (SC) of the cat by taking advantage of the high sensitivity of the anterograde tracer, phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L). In seven experiments, multiple injections of PHA-L into different regions of the SC labelled a total of 172 axons in the predorsal bundle; yet only 11 tectospinal tract (TST) axons were found in the upper cervical spinal cord. Collaterals emerging from these axons were rare and arose exclusively from TST axons with a diameter of less than 1 μm. Individual collaterals had different termination zones: some terminated in the lateral part of lamina V and VI after taking a dorsolateral course through lamina VII and VIII; others terminated in the medial part of lamina VII. One collateral terminated within lamina IX and the ventral part of lamina VIII. The combined termination of all collaterals was densest in lamina VII and dorsal lamina VIII. A small number of boutons were also found in the lateral parts of laminae V and VI, and in lamina IX and immediately adjacent regions in lamina VIII. Compared to axons belonging to other spinal descending systems, individual TST axons give rise to much simpler intraspinal collaterals with relatively few boutons. This feature, together with the relative paucity of TST axons, suggests that direct connections from the SC to neurons in the upper cervical spinal cord are sparse. Furthermore, our results are consistent with electrophysiological studies that show that few, if any, neck motoneurons receive monosynaptic connections from TST neurons. Projections to neck motoneurons must therefore involve a relay, either through other descending pathways, such as the reticulospinal system, or via local segmental interneurons.

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