Cholesteric liquid crystalline siloxanes with azo dye. Generation of additional reflection bands with linearly polarized light

Photosensitive cholesteric polysiloxanes, which contain an azo dye, were irradiated with linearly polarized light. The cholesteric samples were oriented in the Grandjean texture. Before irradiation they reflected circularly polarized light in the near infrared region. For perpendicular incidence, only one order of reflection was observed. Upon irradiation with linearly polarized light, which is absorbed by the azo dye, additional reflection bands appeared in the visible part of the spectrum. It turned out that the additional reflection is caused by a new Bragg type grating which shows higher reflection orders. The formation of the grating is based on the periodic deformation of the helical ordering of the molecules. The deformation is periodic, as due to photoselection, only dye molecules in equidistant layers with a suitable orientation absorb radiation. For low exposure, the grating reflects linearly polarized light. After continued irradiation, the reflection bands disappear almost completely. High birefringence, strongly dichroic dye absorption and the loss of the reflecting properties prove that a planar nematic texture has developed. The formation of this texture from the Grandjean texture is a new example for photoinduced rotational diffusion.