The basic concepts and formulation of the renormalization group are explained beginning at an elementary level. Discussion is in the framework of classical statistical mechanics with emphasis on applications to the theory of critical phenomena. The details are worked out in the large n limit for 2 < d < 4, where n is the number of components of the fluctuating field of interest and d is the dimension of the thermodynamical system. In the large n limit, the infinite sum of ``tree graphs'' offers an exact and analytically tractable description of the renormalization group. It illustrates many concepts including the fixed point, the critical surface in the space of coupling parameters, and critical exponents. Most important, it illustrates the origin and the limitation of the scaling hypothesis. The critical behavior of various correlation functions and the free energy is examined. Attention is paid to terms often ignored in qualitative scaling arguments. We have attempted to make this paper self‐contained and of pedagogical value to a wide audience.