Optimization of low-frequency properties of eight-to-fourteen modulation

A description is given of the eight to fourteen modulation system (EFM) designed for the Compact Disc Digital Audio System with optical read-out. EFM combines high information density and immunity to tolerances in the light path with low power at the low-frequency end of the modulation bit stream spectrum. In this modulation scheme, blocks of eight data input bits are transformed into fourteen channel bits, which follow certain minimum and maximum run-length constraints by using a code book. To prevent violation of the minimum and maximum run-length constraints a certain number of merging bits are needed to concatenate the blocks. There are cases where the merging bits are not uniquely determined by the concatenation rules. This freedom of choice thus created is used for minimizing the power of the modulated bit sequence at low frequencies. The paper presents the results of algorithms that were used to minimize this low frequency content.

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