By ultrasonic scanning, it is possible with reasonable accuracy to demonstrate space occupying lesions in the pancreas, and with a delicate ultrasonic technique, a puncture needle can be guided to a predetermined mass in the pancreas. In 25 patients with suspected pancreatic lesions, scanning demonstrated a solid mass lesion in the pancreas. Twenty-one patients had carcinoma; four had chronic pancreatitis. In 17 of the 21 patients with carcinoma, tumor cells were aspirated. The cells were numerous and easily recognizable, fulfilling the usual cytologic criteria of malignant disease. In three of the 16 patients with carcinoma, the aspirations were inadequate, and one showed normal pancreatic cells. In the four patients with chronic pancreatitis, normal pancreatic cells were aspirated. There were no immediate complications due to fine needle biopsy. The combination of ultrasonic scanning and ultrasonically guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration is an important adjunct to the management of pancreatic lesions.