In the minimal anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB) model, a universal contribution $m_{0}$ to all the scalar masses is introduced in order to avoid the negative slepton mass problem. The Higgs spectrum and couplings are determined by four parameters: $m_{\rm aux}, m_{0}, \tan\beta$ and sign ($\mu$). The sign of $\mu$ affects $m_A$ at large $\tan\beta$ and $m_h$ at small $\tan\beta$. The CP-odd Higgs mass $m_A$ is usually much larger than ${m}_{Z}$ and the lightest CP-even Higgs is simply analogous to the one in the standard model. The current and future Higgs searches in LEP, Tevatron and LHC provide a test ground for the AMSB scenario. The current LEP bounds and LEP 192/196 preliminary results have already excluded a small $m_{0}$ and $m_{\rm aux}$ region for small $\tan\beta$. While the entire parameter space will be excluded if no Higgs is found at Tevatron RUN II with 2 ${\rm fb}^{-1}$ luminosity. However, if the AMSB scenario is true, a Higgs can be found at 5$\sigma$ significance level at both Tevatron running at luminosity 10 ${\rm fb}^{-1}$ or higher and LHC.

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