Wall-vorticity flux dynamics in a two-dimensional turbulent boundary layer

Four high-frequency-response pressure transducers with 10 viscous units resolution each have been used to obtain simultaneously the fluctuating pressure gradients at the wall of a zero-pressure-gradient boundary layer and then to compute the vorticity flux away from the wall. Since the viscous force on an element of incompressible fluid is determined by the local vorticity gradients, understanding of their dynamical characteristics is essential in identifying the turbulent structure. Extremely high and low amplitudes of both vorticity gradients have been observed which contribute significantly to their statistics although they have low probability of appearance. The r.m.s. of the vorticity flux when scaled with inner wall variables depends very strongly on the Reynolds number, indicating a breakdown of this type of scaling. The application of a small threshold to the data indicated two preferential directions of the vorticity flux vector. An attempt has been made to identify these high- and low-amplitude signals with physical phenomena associated with bursting-sweep processes. Vortical structures carrying bipolar vorticity are the dominant wall structures which are associated with the violent events characterized by large fluctuations of vorticity flux.